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Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:21 pm
by Braehill
I'm of the understanding that your first post needs to be approved before it is added to the forum. Could I suggest that your first post must come in the form of an introduction through the introduction page. No introduction, no second post.
Re: Introductions
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:02 pm
by Otto Nobedder
There's a solid thought.
It will need to be added to the sign-up page, in the same area few read about first posts being approved...
However, we often have folks who introduce themselves rather well when they first post in other sub-forums.
We, as moderators, have the opportunity to reply to an as-yet unapproved poster, though, and could suggest a better approach before they are approved...
I'll have to think this through and attempt it when I'm not so far in to my evening beverages.
Steve S
Re: Introductions
Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 10:10 pm
by Braehill
I'm sure you guys can work out the particulars.
Re: Introductions
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 10:18 am
by Superiorwelding
I thought about responding in private but I feel this is a good topic to discuss in the open. While I don't particularity care for someone posting only once with a question and once they see their answer never post up at least a thank you, I am not sure making it a rule that you have to introduce yourself is such a good idea. At one time I strongly shared the belief that one should but now feel it might drive potential members off when we say you must say hi or tell us about yourself. You know how it is at times, you run into a problem and start searching online for a solution. Who wants to introduce their-selves? On the flip side of that coin I think it is respectful to be polite and not use forums just to get what you want and give nothing back.
What changed my mind on the matter was why do we need someone to say hi that has a legitimate question to which we can give a good answer? I don't do this as a matter of pride, I just want to help others and in turn be helped. At the end of the day the OP might not respond back in thanks but I guarantee there will be lurkers who might read and learn from our answers, which is a win in my book.
And, it does sound a little snobbish, and I'm guilty of doing it, to answer someones first question with something like "I have your answer but first tell me about yourself" or something to that nature. True, we are a very close "family" but that won't change with the 1% of posters who never come back and post again.
Just a few thoughts.
Re: Introductions
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:06 pm
by Otto Nobedder
I think that was well reasoned. Makes perfect sense to me. I know damn well when I answer a "first post" question that I might never hear from that person again. Still, as you said, the question was asked and answered, and is there for everyone's benefit.
I think it was Mark Twain who said, "If you lend a man five dollars, and never see him again, it was probably worth it."
Steve S
Re: Introductions
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:46 pm
by LtBadd
Otto Nobedder wrote:Jonathan,
I think that was well reasoned. Makes perfect sense to me. I know damn well when I answer a "first post" question that I might never hear from that person again. Still, as you said, the question was asked and answered, and is there for everyone's benefit.
I think it was Mark Twain who said, "If you lend a man five dollars, and never see him again, it was probably worth it."
Steve S
Steve, what would that $5 be in today's market?
Re: Introductions
Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:19 pm
by Poland308
I can think of a few people I would give $100. To go away.