Search found 27 matches

by torn7th
Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:31 pm
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Gritty look to my welds (Alum)
Replies: 8
Views: 2458

Re: Gritty look to my welds (Alum)

Also if you have Orange Band Ceriated tungsten available I would use that. Ive gotten the best results with it. Ive used Red also but the Orange always seems to work alot better and more control. Just my 2 cents..Hope it helps.. :mrgreen:
by torn7th
Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:19 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Miller Syncrowave 250DX
Replies: 5
Views: 2014

Re: Miller Syncrowave 250DX

Love the Syncros. Bullet proof and full of features. Grab it and runnnn lol
by torn7th
Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:55 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Gents Need Opinons On this one PLEASE
Replies: 2
Views: 896

Gents Need Opinons On this one PLEASE

Hey guys , Looking to get a new welder soon for the home garage. I have a Millermatic 180 for my MIG needs but i want to add a TIG/Stick machine to the arsenal. That being said i want the flexibility to plug it into anything just in case i have to . Ive been looking at 2 machines and i would like yo...
by torn7th
Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:02 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Starter Consumables for a Noob?
Replies: 13
Views: 2664

Re: Starter Consumables for a Noob?

Start with 3/32 everything. Easier to learn . Unless your welding really thick stuff you wont need 1/8. Get a variety of cup sizes .Gas lenses preferably (it does make a diff) less cfh and better coverage. On the Tungsten selection ive found that 2% Thoriated is great for stainless and mild but to m...
by torn7th
Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:46 am
Forum: Member Introductions
Topic: Pleased to meet you.
Replies: 5
Views: 2672

Re: Pleased to meet you.

Ive learned more tricks and techniques on here then anywhere else. Lots of knowledge on here . I try to help where i can but im still a rook compared to some of these and i pick there knowledge as much as i can. Ive never been one to not help someone if i can ..So if i see a question i can answer wi...
by torn7th
Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:49 pm
Forum: Member Introductions
Topic: Pleased to meet you.
Replies: 5
Views: 2672

Re: Pleased to meet you.

Howdy and welcome to the site....Im sure youll get some answers asap... :mrgreen:
by torn7th
Thu Oct 28, 2010 2:57 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Tungstens from China
Replies: 7
Views: 1446

Re: Tungstens from China

I love DiamondGround ...Best arc control to me. When i got my sample there was a full price list included with it. Might want to look over the paperwork. Ive ordered several packs from them...Good stuff and very friendly... :mrgreen:
by torn7th
Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:43 am
Forum: Stick Welding/Arc Welding - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Topic: 7018 problems
Replies: 9
Views: 3256

Re: 7018 problems

99% they got damp or wet . Also and not being a smartass by anymeans but always have a CLEAN ground. 7018's are bad if theyve gotten wet...You want real bad try a 6011 thats absorbed moisture..Yeah might as well set off a roman candle lol :mrgreen:
by torn7th
Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:40 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Does everyone walk the cup or free hand ??
Replies: 11
Views: 2741

Re: Does everyone walk the cup or free hand ??

LOL great replies. Ive been playing with both and im getting better with freehand vs walking the cup. I guess it just depends on what your doing.
by torn7th
Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:33 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Does everyone walk the cup or free hand ??
Replies: 11
Views: 2741

Does everyone walk the cup or free hand ??

Im just curious ? I find walking for me produces better results but I work in a maintenance area where free hand isnt easy to utilize. Ive done free hand on a few things but I dont have the luxury of sitting down and bracing my arm for it (yeah theyre jerks like that). I would just like to get a few...
by torn7th
Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:26 am
Forum: Member Introductions
Topic: Hello and Thanks already
Replies: 3
Views: 1947

Re: Hello and Thanks already

Man your going to love TIG . I hate stick now and MIG I love the precision on TIG and feeding the rod making nice welds. You will have a blast learning it when I first started i wrote down my settings amps,gas,HF no HF etc.. Do that and it makes it alot easier also dont go cheap on tungsten. I was u...
by torn7th
Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:44 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?
Replies: 5
Views: 4372

Re: Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?

Thanks guys for the replys it was a gas issue with the collet . I replaced that and now nice and shiny welds with no graying... Thanks again gents
by torn7th
Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:12 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?
Replies: 5
Views: 4372

Re: Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?

Ok gents wasnt a gas issue and i increased my speed alot. Im welding 2 inch socket joints with Scd 10S stainless pipe.. :?:
by torn7th
Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:08 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?
Replies: 5
Views: 4372

Settings for a Miller Syncrowave 250?

Hey guys ive been playing with our older Miller machine (im not a TIG expert by any means) but ive been trying different settings on it to weld stainless steel. It has HF which i love. Its weird though cause playing with it running about 65-75amps HF 10 - 12 Cfh on the argon all my weldd on practice...
by torn7th
Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:14 am
Forum: Welding Forum General Shop Talk
Topic: Home Depot Lincoln Welding Helmet - 99.00
Replies: 6
Views: 2723

Re: Home Depot Lincoln Welding Helmet - 99.00

Man never go cheap when it comes to your eyes. I use the same priciple on motorcycle helmets. There is a reason they cost more . Also i agree with the above reply i love my Miller Elites i have 3. :idea:
by torn7th
Tue Sep 14, 2010 2:51 am
Forum: Stick Welding/Arc Welding - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Topic: How do I fill a gap in a weld I created by grinding?
Replies: 10
Views: 12721

Re: How do I fill a gap in a weld I created by grinding?

Stringers are multiple passes usually next to or on top of each other. (Example) You lay one pass down then you lay another either right next to it or on top if it after it has cooled a bit. Weaving it just what it says. When filling a gap or making a cover pass you move the rod from left to right o...
by torn7th
Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:39 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: carbon steel spitting
Replies: 11
Views: 3031

Re: carbon steel spitting

Ive hasd this happen also on mild steel (carbon). It has alot to with little air pockets in the molding process. Cheap forging basically. I had a air pocket and a piece of metal popped out and of all the places to go it decided to travel down my back. I dont think ive ever got a shirt off that fast ...
by torn7th
Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:33 am
Forum: Stick Welding/Arc Welding - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Topic: How do I fill a gap in a weld I created by grinding?
Replies: 10
Views: 12721

Re: How do I fill a gap in a weld I created by grinding?

Man this is a weird one being ive never welded AC accept aluminum TIG. You wouldnt happen to have a DC setting would you. That would make your life way easier. :?:
by torn7th
Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:23 am
Forum: Mig and Flux Core - gas metal arc welding & flux cored arc welding
Topic: MIG Welder And Duty Cycle???
Replies: 3
Views: 1486

Re: MIG Welder And Duty Cycle???

Not exactly sure what happend my friend but we had to replace the control board inside it was black. Im guessing the fuse didnt intervien so to speak . But it had a nice cooked smell to it.. :)
by torn7th
Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:18 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: question about tig torch
Replies: 8
Views: 1925

Re: question about tig torch

Your going to have to scratch start it . Best way ive found is get the torch close to the piece of work then quickly slide the filler rod over it. This will get your arc started then you can run it from there. Hope this helps im spoiled now with me SyncroWave with HF...But this is how i used to have...
by torn7th
Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:59 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: more pics of my progress @ 6 months welding
Replies: 15
Views: 3247

Re: more pics of my progress @ 6 months welding

Looks great my friend ... I love TIG stainless.....Keep it up... Your doing great :)
by torn7th
Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:43 am
Forum: Mig and Flux Core - gas metal arc welding & flux cored arc welding
Topic: New to MIG
Replies: 3
Views: 1425

Re: New to MIG

Ive got a millermatic 180 and love it. Ofcourse i started like most guys with the stick. I have to say the only thing i hate about MIG is the sparks and annoying crackling and popping. I love the speed of it and not having to stop drop a rod then add a rod. Have fun with your new MIG machine you can...
by torn7th
Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:36 am
Forum: Stick Welding/Arc Welding - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Topic: stainless stick welding on pipe
Replies: 12
Views: 6612

Re: stainless stick welding on pipe

Never ever use mild on stainless. Thats corrosion waiting to happen period. As far as welding stainless pipe with stick ive yet to see a real so called "pretty" weld on it. Stainless stick is a whole nother animal it loves nice flat surfaces and running uphill with it yeah dont do that lol...
by torn7th
Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:31 am
Forum: Stick Welding/Arc Welding - Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Topic: 6011 vertical
Replies: 6
Views: 2468

Re: 6011 vertical

^^ What Jpence said ? Why were you testing with a 6011. Now a good friend of mine had to test using 1/8 6011 on truck containers. Yeah that was tricky cuz the 6010 and 6011 like to EAT metal. Thin container metal is not there intention but thats what this company wanted.