Search found 4 matches

by zizari
Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:47 pm
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question
Replies: 14
Views: 4437

Re: Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question

It is possible without opening it up, but without actually being there to do what I need to do, it would take too long to explain it if you don't already know what to do. In other words if you don't already know how a 5-pin pedal works then you'd need a lesson in that first, but it would be faster/...
by zizari
Sun Dec 13, 2020 10:00 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question
Replies: 14
Views: 4437

Re: Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question

I could not use the quote feature, but I will take some readings and take the gracious offer from Oscar. I haven't got it yet there's a huge delay from YesWelder at the moment. I've got some scant electronics known how and figured that just tearing the thing open was the key. Was low-key hoping to a...
by zizari
Wed Dec 02, 2020 2:25 am
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question
Replies: 14
Views: 4437

Yeswelder 250P AC/DC Foot Pedal Question

Hey all, didn't see an answer to this, so here goes. I picked up a Yeswelder 250P AC/DC over black friday and I want to change up the foot pedal from stock. It looks like it's shipped with a 5 pin pedal and I was wondering: can you adapt about any pedal to a 5 pin and if so, how? Super new to this (...
by zizari
Tue Dec 01, 2020 11:29 am
Forum: Member Introductions
Topic: New Weldor, Ready to Learn
Replies: 1
Views: 356

New Weldor, Ready to Learn

Greetings, weldors. I'm a super beginner based in Oregon. I started MIG welding last year at work, just upgraded to a TIG (waiting on backorder, naturally)and am excited to learn from the forum.