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by Xtratoy
Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:23 pm
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: On off foot switch for scratch Tig
Replies: 10
Views: 2872

Re: On off foot switch for scratch Tig

I went out in shop and cobbled one together using a couple pieces of wood and a spring clamp. Used a couple parts off of some Air-Arc torches for contact points. Now when you depress the switch, it cuts the welding circuit. cj737, The reason is to terminate the arc without having to pull torch away ...
by Xtratoy
Sat Apr 06, 2019 6:24 pm
Forum: Tig Welding - Tig Welding Aluminum - Tig Welding Techniques - Aluminum Tig Welding
Topic: On off foot switch for scratch Tig
Replies: 10
Views: 2872

On off foot switch for scratch Tig

I watched a YouTube video from 2014 where the welder was using a Miller stick welder to show some scratch start TIG welding. He showed in the video a foot pedal on off switch he made to terminate weld current and be able to keep gas over cooling weld. Are there any plans available to build one of th...